Sunday, May 3, 2015


Sometimes we just need to stop and see all of the things that we have going for ourselves. I'm so very grateful to have a wonderful family, the sweetest boyfriend, and an amazing best friend. I have such great friends that support me and that I can lean on. I'm living my life in a first world country in a house with running water and electricity. I have a job I enjoy with fun coworkers and I'm working on achieving my goals in school. It's great to think positively. I'm overwhelmed with how happy I am in life right now.

To think I used to be so depressed and suicidal a few years ago. I truly am so grateful I got to go on with my life and pushed through all of my sadness to find the peace and happiness that I have now. Yes, I still have my problems, my anxiety attacks, and all the stress I carry in hopes of a better future but sometimes you just have to push through and keep climbing the mountain even if you don't know what the view from up there looks like yet. You don't even have to force yourself to do it so fast. You can take your own time. Slowly and steadily. Just take a look at your surroundings and if the weight on your shoulders becomes too heavy a burden, you can always ask someone for help.

I've taken up running again and it feels so good and freeing to just feel like you're one with the wind. I can't wait until school frees up more so I can read more too. I just like this sense of peace I have with myself. Sometimes I'll just look up at the sky and look around me and it's just all so beautiful to me. It makes me think that sometimes its just the little things in life. The little things get us through the big things.