Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Police Brutality & Zimbardo's Prison Experiment

Image result for police brutality
Police brutality is in the news more and more frequently these days and one can't help but think of the eerie similarity it has with Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment. Didn't Zimbardo's experiment pretty much predict that abuse of power occurs when authority is given to even seemingly normal and psychologically stable people? What about police officers that are racist and sadistic? Wouldn't that produce an even worse outcome?

Our society is so quick to victim blame. We check the victim's criminal record to as a way justify their deaths.
Image result for police brutality
We need to make a change to our law enforcement. Police officers are meant to protect and serve the people. They are meant to uphold laws and regulations and not violate it themselves. We need all of our law enforcement to be like this. There are many cops that are good for our society but there are also some that  aren't that make them all look bad. They need to be more precise in teaching cops what to do in certain situations and maybe be more strict with cops that react unnecessarily violent to citizens.